Saturday, August 25, 2007

Negotiating Tips to Use When Buying a New Car Part 1

Author:Mia LeCron

Being a good negotiator doesn’t have to be difficult. Sooner or later everyone has to negotiate with someone if they want to get a good deal on a purchase. When you are trying to negotiate with a car dealer, you should know that they are very practiced in the art already. You will need to know how to get through their “car speak” in order to be successful.

Since you now know how to calculate your offer and already know what the dealer paid for it, you should get a copy of the paperwork from a friend that recently bought a car, so that you can become familiar with what you will see on your paperwork. They are all generally the same.
If you’ve followed the tips mentioned in my previous articles, you will also be pre-approved for a loan. The key is for you to get in and out of the dealership as quickly as possible because the salesman will definitely find more loopholes to up your charges if you stay.
Here are a few tips to successful negotiating:

• Remain positive and confident• Don’t talk down to your opponent

• Show up prepared and ready to counter anything that may come up

• Bring ads from other dealerships with you as an extra weapon

• Finance your loan before you arrive at the dealership so as to avoid paying unnecessary extra fees

• Bring a friend with you for extra support

Something that you should look out for from salesmen is the extra little tricks that you will likely encounter that will try to force or rush into a buying decision.

Mia LaCron is the founder of - - devoted to helping individuals buy the right car for them at the absoulute best possible prices.

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