Saturday, August 25, 2007

AC Propulsion tzero Hybrid car Review

Author: Exforsys

Some things were never meant to be and that can be sad when it comes to some of the highly styled and very important cars of our time. This is the reason why so many car makers are interested in the ability to raise the mpg rating on their cars but they are still struggling to understand how they will be able to accomplish this. There is a high cost that comes with creating some cars and this is one of the reasons why so many of the new hybrids were long in the waiting to hit the market. The technology for these cars has been around for a long time but to make it affordable the companies had to wait until the price of production would drop to a new level. It has taken more then ten years for this kind of thing to occur, and the first hybrid cars are now becoming popular on the market. Sadly they are anything but sporty and are more akin to those that a family man would drive when he knows that money must be saved to keep the family going.

This is exactly what happened with the AC Propulsion tzero hybrid. The tzero was the first of its kind. A hybrid like the world has never seen and may never see again. Using a kit car design this company created the very first hybrid sports car and the world has never been the same. This car is a fiberglass body with the sleek styling that gives it the appearance of being from Italy, like a Ferrari or the like. Completely aerodynamic, the tzero works with the best of all the features, including double wish bone suspension and a beautiful gear ratio that would make any car guy quiver in his boots. Powered by more then six thousand lithium batteries, this car is amazing in the way that it can move. There is nothing in the hybrid market that can even come close to it.

The tzero is capable of doing zero to sixty in just over three seconds. The batteries have a three hundred mile range which is impressive considering the power source is very similar to that of a laptop or a cellular telephone. But there is more to this car that meets the eye. There is the backtracking trailer which is an impressive option. The trailer contains a gasoline engine that acts in conjunction with the electric motor for the car. It is said to get about thirty miles to the gallon on the highway and can run at speeds of sixty to eighty miles per hour with ease.
Sadly only three of these cars have ever been produced due to their high cost of production. Those who love them are hoping that someone will pick it up and perhaps run with the concept to make the hybrids a bit more sporty. provides Automotive Information, Car Dealers and leasing contact information with around 40,000 listings from United States and Tips on dealing with Car Dealers, Saving Money with Insurance Premiums. Please visit for more information.

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